A good day to be in the woods. With all the rain the past week it made for my kind of Fall riding adventure, mud and water. I like having a day off on the mid week days, it is quiet and I have the woods to myself for the most part. Was up in an area about 50 miles northwest of Lake Mille Lacs. I was traveling stealth in the woods this week, mountain bike and on foot.
The past 4 weeks have been exciting getting back on an enduro motorcycle, the 400 Suzuki DRZ. I am able to cover many miles in a single day. Traveling on-road to an area and exploring off-road, then moving to another area.
I always check out the mud holes and soft sand for signs of animals that have been in the area. In 2 trips to this area I had seen signs of wolves and 1 set of tracks that I believe were a Bobcat. My objective this trip was to catch sight of a wolf...
Hunting the Timber Wolf...
Logging roads turned into swamp roads as I rode deeper into the forest. I was now into the area that I had observed the 3 sets of wolf tracks 2 weeks earlier. Since that time the area had received rain, the trails were flooded and I felt in my element.
I had traveled several miles to get this deep into the forest, keeping my senses keen on my surroundings. Checking all the mud holes as I pedaled through and around them for tracks or signs of wildlife.

I pulled off the trail to eat a snack bar and hydrate. I was hunckered down behind some bushes and I sensed some movement down the trail. It was surreal...I watched in amazement as a wolf sauntered down the trail towards me. Unaware that I was there, the wolf slowed and turned broadside to me and I saw the distinct shape of it. Long legs, a large head and the bushy tail. I slowly unhooked my camera and waited. The wolf turned and headed towards me still unaware. Then it froze, lowered it's head and stared in my direction. I knew I had been had...With just a instant I snapped a picture hoping that I had captured an image. Then the creature disappeared into the thick woods. I was pumped, not knowing where the wolf would go to, I stayed as quiet and still as I could for the next 40 minutes. Thinking that maybe I could catch another glimpse of that wolf or maybe another one. Then I moved forward to check for the tracks in the mud.

The fresh tracks from wolf were exciting to observe, knowing that I had accomplished what I had set out to do...shoot a wolf in the wild with my camera.
Goal accomplished!!
A break in the deep woods to grab a snack and soak in the late afternoon before the ride out.
It is great to be out in the forest during the Fall, listening and observing wildlife and gettin' down and muddy.
Good Times!!
Me and my shadow livin' life.
Dang, it was a good day on the mud bike...earned a cold one today.
Later...Ride On.