Adventure trip, Overlanding, RZR ATV, Overland Camping, Mountain Biking, Winter Fat Tire Mountain Biking, Adventure Motorcycling, Snowboarding / Sledboarding @ Minnesota, Central United States.
Sunday, November 29, 2020
An Evening on the Prairie of Minnesota / Good Camping
Stirring the campfire...
Frosty F-150 at midnight under a brilliant moonlight night.
Cheers to ya! Ride on!
Friday, November 27, 2020
Thanksgiving / 2 Man Football with Grandkids
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Friday, November 20, 2020
Back in Camping Mode Along da River

A bit of snack listening to the night sounds in the swamp.
Beaver didn’t finish his job...
Beef barley/rice soup for supper after a good twilight/night mountain bike ride along the Minnesota River. I’ve got the furnace set on 65 degrees to take the chill off.
The sunrise after a good night. Kinda get moving and climb on the mountain bike for a bit of exploring. Actually got out on a good 1 1/2 hour ride.
Still a bit of ice on the pond after the previous 51 degree day.
Ancient bridge.
Back at the camper for a brunch. 4” of snow on the ground a week ago in this area.
Ride on!
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Takin’ a Break
Three nights in the camper with winter conditions. Three nights of a bit of recovery time in a nice studio. Showers for me and a wash for truck and trailer. Stock up on a few supplies.
Ride on!
Monday, November 16, 2020
Southern Minnesota Pheasant Hunting
We meet up and head for farm country. Along the way, there are stories and memories of a hunt or one of many adventures from over the years. My son and I have been hunting for well over 20 years.
Dad teach his son proper gun etiquette. Then I get my turn to offer some advice. Passing down the tradition that I partook in with my grandfather. I spent decades wandering these same farm roads with my grandpa and brothers.At the end of the day. It’s about making memories of hanging out, telling stories, walking fields and swamps. Today it was sharing an adventure with 3 generations. Me, the grandpa, my son and grandson. We had to make decisions, dress for the biting cold 30 mph winds, teach a youngster about respect for a firearm and outsmart a couple wiley rooster pheasants.
We hunted a couple, Public Hunting Land Areas. The final stop was a farm that my son and I have hunted on for probably 15 or 16 years. This farm in particular has much natural habitat. Before we pulled up into the driveway to ask permission to hunt. I told my grandson that years ago I pulled into this same driveway. As I walked up towards the house this large dog, looked like a damn wolf came running around the corner. I stopped put my hand out, dog walked up, started wagging her tail and we were buddies. Well back to today, like I said, I got out of vehicle and around the corner came the large wolf/dog wagging her tail and happy to see me. I saw the farmer over by his pickup, we had a good conversation about his dog and the weather. He remembered me from the past and was glad to give us permission to hunt.
This day was about hunting, but it had a heck of a lot more to offer. Ride on!