This was a backcountry sled trip in northern Colorado that we experienced some awesome snow conditions. The group included 6 other riders and myself. This was my first adventure with this group, a very seasoned group that enjoys the challenges of exploring new terrain. This group makes its own trails. They ride up out of West Yellowstone on most of their trips. This was new territory for them.
I rode and explored this area back in December 08' on my first trip of the season. The game plan of this adventure was to go to the best snow out west. The Snowies in Wyoming was the original destination, but as I tracked the storms and conditions during the week, it seemed as though the biggest snow was going to be south or north of Snowy Mt. Range, in Wyoming. On the drive out we decided, so Colorado it was.
It did not disappoint, as a storm dropped 20 inches the 2 days before we arrived, and it snowed the second day and dumped overnight on Sunday with another 14-18 inches. It was that powdery light snow that made for some incredible conditions. Each day we explored a different area of the mountains. We had some great lunch fires roasting sausage and hot dogs. We all nicked a few trees boonedocking. Some harder then others. Our goal was accomplished, we found awesome powder snow, great riding in the trees and everyone made it back safe.


Taking a break deep in the trees.

A lunch fire. This was deep in a ravine that we dropped into. The challenge was the climb out along a steep ridge through the trees after lunch. It was a great 1st day.

The 2nd day brought more snow. We spent this day in some steep terrain in very deep snow. We all worked our way up which included guys getting stuck, digging out, climbing higher. We were able to climb to an opening in the trees on a mountain-side with a great view of the valley. Several of the group continued on up traversing back and forth through the trees attempting to gain the top of the mountain. We were in deep forest, so it was no easy task. One of our group did make it up to the top, to the rocks. This day my front bumper did meet a tree on one climb through the trees. On the throttle uphill and I zigged instead of zagged and boom, broke the bumper but nothing else. I think most of us nicked a tree or two this day.

Lunch fire the 2nd day.

This looked bad, but all turned out OK. A frozen stuck throttle and sled meets tree without rider, knocks snow out of tree.

Da Moose!

Da trail opener! This was our path in to the trailhead on day 3, we followed him in. We had all the powder to ourselves this morning.

Da rig! Seven men and seven sleds

Cresting a mountain. It was wind blown and we were hitting rocks in the shallow snow.

Back in the powder on the south side of the mountain. We were in awesome untracked powder the rest of the day. Many miles from the truck.

So deep it took two sleds to pull one out of the powder.

Yours Truly, enjoying another adventure in the mountains... GOOD TIMES!!

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