MIKE HALL, Adventure Sports, Travel, Overlanding, Backcountry, Avalanche, Snowmobile, Snowmobiling, Snowboard, Snowboarding, Sledboarding, Winter Fat Tire Mountain Biking, Mountain Biking, Ski Patrol, Motorcycle, BMW Adventure Motorcycling, Montana, Colorado, Wyoming, Oregon, Utah, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Jackman, Maine

Thursday, December 03, 2009

In the Saddle

Got out on the mountain bike today. Just wanted to put some time in the saddle, see where my fitness is at. It was about 32 degrees when I started at about 3:15 PM, got home at 9:30, the temp was about 25 degrees. The last 4 hours were in the dark, I use a helmet light and a handle bar mounted light up front with 2 flashing red tail lights in the rear. Had a little bike maintenance about 2.5 hours into the ride, my crank arm started to work it's way off, that was easily fixed. The ride was a combo of pavement and off-road trails with single track mixed with some good hill climbs and hard pack gravel.

The whole idea was to be out and moving for a lengthy period of time. It gives the body a chance to shut down and have to start back up. It simulates a day in the mountains boarding or sledding, or a shift at the Ski Patrol. It's not about a race, it's about endurance. I got the hills in for the power and heart rate, but the mental and physical aspect of having to get the body warmed up after stopping is important. The hurry up, slow down, git it going again is good. During the ride I stopped and ate a quick supper and stopped to visit my parents. The last leg of the ride was about 9 miles. On the last leg I came upon 3 deer right off a gravel trail through the woods in the dark (you know how deer are attracted to me, check out the "DEAD DEER" on the labels)...

The layer system worked great, I was a little cool after the stops but warmed up without sweating too bad during the riding. I put on 1 more layer the last couple of hours as it cooled down. Brought 2 bottles of mix, I use a combination of protein and carbohydrate powder to keep my energy level up and 2 Power Bar gels. About half way through I ate a quick supper, I felt very good the last few miles. Try and get on the snowboard in the next day or two and then get out to Wyoming and Colorado and find some powder.

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